It's spreading!

Posted Sun 26 Apr 2015 18.04 by sarahmurphy
Diagnosed a couple of years ago, when it was just confined to my elbows. Now spreading to my hands and legs. I'm also awaiting referral to a

Hi all, New user here. I was first diagnosed with psoriasis a couple of years ago but it was only on my elbows and not too bad. I was just about managing it with dovonex from my GP but that stopped working. He then tried me on dovobet, which also worked at first. However, it feels like by stopping it from coming out on my elbows, it was determined it was coming out somewhere and it's now on the backs of my hands and spreading up my feet and legs. Has anyone else had this where they get one bit under control and it starts popping up somewhere else? My GP finally referred me to a dermatologist who I saw this week. The one treatment I was hopeful about she has refused to give me and now I feel really downhearted :-( Because of my colouring she says that UV treatment would be too dangerous (I'm quarter Scottish, quarter Welsh, quarter Irish and quarter English, with the gingery colouring you can imagine going with that combination!) She's prescribed a new cream. I can't remember the name as I'm waiting on the prescription but it comes in 5 strengths that you have to build up over a period of weeks. You put it on and then wash it off after half an hour. I'm sure someone will know what I mean. She's also referred me to a rheumatologist as I spoke to her about sore feet (not too bad at the moment but at their worst it was painful for me to walk downstairs in the mornings), sore hands, which are causing me problems driving and a very sore right hip. I'm nearly 50 so I guess it could be an age thing but I'm thinking she is suspecting Psoriatic Arthritis as well. I'm not really asking for advice I suppose. I just wanted a bit of a rant amongst people who will understand. I know it's not life threatening but I feel disgusting and that I'm falling apart :-( Thanks for listening, Sarah

Posted Sun 26 Apr 2015 22.39 by Mellymoo
It is a living nightmare with no cure. Even some cancers have cures now. I guess more people need to suffer first?

Hi Sarah I am 26 and have had guttate psoriasis for about 12 years. Your body builds up an immunity to the creams after a while and the more you use the more you feel your flogging a dead horse. Try using more moisturiser. x

Posted Wed 20 May 2015 14.43 by Dutson71
Since I was 5yrs old

Hi Sarah Unfortunately it is trial and error with some creams, if you can avoid taking tablets then do so. I am 44 and have had Psoriasis since I was 5 and PA since 21. I can't tell you amount of creams I have tried etc, but to be honest trying not to get worked up it, which is easier than done I know) helps a great deal. The more worry about it, the more it flares up and spreads. I am very fair and I go on a stand up sunbed twice a week for 6 mins each time, and put loads of Body Shop butter on skin. It itches the hell out of me sometime and is very difficult not to scratch but find if I do that only irritates and spreads more. We all have good and bad days hun just remember there are people out there that understand, even though there are some ignorant people out there too. Keep smiling hun :)

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