Methotrexate & Alcohol

Posted Wed 8 Jul 2015 12.22 by csbridger
I have psoriasis on my legs and arms mainly with small patches on my trunk, though it started on my scalp. Creams and light treatment didn't

I have been on Methotrexate for about 2 months now and have done very well not to drink alcohol. I was just wondering if anyone knew how strict the no drinking policy is while taking this tablet? Just wondering if you can have a drink with it at all.

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2015 08.37 by Suzie
I have suffered for around 7 years and have it covering my back and front.

Hi, i'v been on Methotrexate since October 2013 and i must admit that I do still drink. I did mention it my my dermotologist and she didn't seem too concerned. She said that as long as i wasn't going out getting drunk every week then it shouldn't be a problem. Please don't see my comments as a green light to drink though, I'm no expert and i know i'm probably risking the health of my liver by continuing to drink but i have blood tests every 2 months and touch wood they have always been fine. I do always try to look after my liver with plenty of water and green tea. I think Methotrexate effects different people in different ways, i hardly ever remember to take my folic acid and i never feel ill from it. Hope my comments help although reading back i'm not setting a very good example so please do not follow my lead!! perhaps speak to you dermo and see what they say. :) x x

Posted Wed 26 Aug 2015 16.12 by spurves
Suffer from severe psoriasis

I was on methotrexate for about 9 years and, although not a big drinker, didn't give alcohol up. Had constant blood tests and liver biopsies with no issues materialising. Everything in moderation!

Posted Tue 8 Sep 2015 07.04 by dougie
i have it all over my body

hi i recently changed my diet realising that the cure must come from the inside,so i avoid anything with wheat in it you have to be careful because wheat is in nearly everything i also gave up cows milk and use almond milk it tastes realy nice and keeps for longer i believe cows milk is for cows and if you check it out on youtube you will give it up too.i purchased a nutri bullet and have a smoothie every day i have banana,carrot,frozen fruits and spinach green vegtables are very good for the skin you can buy them from tesco or any other supermarket and i do not drink tap water i think that flouride is poison i have to wash in it bit if i had a choice i wouldnt so now i will explain the changes since the diet first i am 62 i have psoriasis or should i say had because it is definately fading and i think will eventualy go altogether im also about 17 stone and this diet has a nice side afect it also helps to loose weight because most foods that contain wheat are fattening i also have C.O.P.D and if i can bring my weight down that will help my breathing i hope you give it a try you have nothing to lose let me know how your doing god bless dougie

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