Asthmatic and Psoriatic - now frightened!

Posted Wed 11 Nov 2015 18.39 by lisa
all over my body for 35 years.

Hi everyone. I'm new to this site and found you while researching side effects of a taking a steroid burst (Prednisone). I was prescribed this by a Bupa doctor after suffering a really bad asthmatic period over several weeks. The steroid has really helped my breathing and stopped my constant hacking cough. However, the unexpected side-effect is that my psoriasis has almost entirely cleared up. I've been living with it for over 30 years and have been content to suffer it to the extend I'm used to. Now I ready that coming off the Prednisone can be really bad and that many people experience a very bad flare up an psoriasis comes back worse than before. I've now given myself a whole load of stress and anxiety. Any positive experiences here?? I've come off the heavy dose of Prednisone - am now in the weaning stage. Thanks.

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