Walking Meditation

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2024 22.06 by MichaelTaylor8030

Hello, everyone, I'm new here. I've lived with severe psoriasis for two years and I want to share a coping mechanism that I discovered recently. It may even be helpful in relieving symptoms although I can't tell because I'm going into remission with my current treatment at the moment. I decided to try meditation months ago, but there's a massive problem; I'm too itchy! I can't sit and concentrate. I had heard that it can help improve mental health and reduce stress, but I can hardly do with that relentless itching we've all come to know and love. So I had a solution; try walking meditation. Walking produces endorphins so you can't feel your psoriasis and it will help you to concentrate. Try this --- when your mind wanders in thought, return it back to your present experiences like seeing and hearing. Observe and enjoy your thoughts, but don't identify with them. Walk slowly, breathe deeply and enjoy the present moment. As you walk, try to breathe deeply as much as you can as it will make you feel better trust me. This is the best coping mechanism in my arsenal and it has been extremely effective, as effective as sertraline, in reducing stress and improving my mental health. It has made me feel so much better after doing it an hour or two a day just as it is getting dark (protect yourself from the sun). I don't know if it improved my symptoms as I stated earlier, but it's worth a try to anyone that is suffering. May you find peace, I'll keep you all in my heart.

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