New tattoo

Posted Mon 17 Jun 2024 05.07 by Cloudy6869

Hi everyone, im new here so b gentle. 🙂 Ive just recently had a new Tattoo on my lower leg. All is looking pretty good but im just starting to notice my Psoriasis is starting to flare up in some areas of my new Tattoo. It is 14 days and Tatt has 95% healed. Can i apply my Enstillar foam spray on inflamed area of tattoo without harming it? Thanku in advance

Posted Mon 17 Jun 2024 08.30 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@cloudy6869: my initial response (and I have no medical training) would be to say not. or at least . . not without some advice. I would try to check with a Pharmacist or a GP (if you are somewhere that you can get a GP phone-call easily). Hopefully you can speak to the pharmacist at the chemist that issued your prescription. Enstillar contains a steroid, and I am not sure if it is good to put a steroid on inflamed skin that was recently tattoo'd. I cannot see anythng specific in the Patient Infornation Leaflet referring to recently tattood or inflamed skin. It is recommended not to use the steroid in enstilar on "broken skin". I cannot say anything about if it could potentially affect the tattoo. It is not completely unusual for a new tattoo to trigger a psoriasis flare-up, as it is a trauma to the skin.

Posted Mon 17 Jun 2024 09.33 by Cloudy6869

Great advice. Ill go to pharmacist tmorro and also check with GP. Thanku 😄

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