Latest news
2 February 2018
NHS Being Overcharged for 'Special Order' Treatments
News has broken today of the NHS being overcharged for certain special order skin treatments.
15 January 2018
Latest Psoriasis Association Funded PhD Thesis Published
The thesis from Michael Olding is the result of a grant awarded in 2011, with the study commencing in early 2013.
15 January 2018
Cimzia - Biologic Treatment Suitable for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women
Cimzia (Certolizumab Pegol) can now be used during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding.
12 January 2018
Fighting Australian Flu
Free flu vaccine is available for people taking immunosuppressive medicines.
3 January 2018
Dermatology Professor Receives OBE in New Year’s Honours
Professor Chris Griffiths has been awarded an OBE for services to Dermatology.